We got the chance to play with one of the TriggerTech 2 Stage Triggers before release for the past several months now and we are more than impressed. It combines the awesome zero creep nature of the single-stage with a user-set first and second stage.
The two-stage adds a secondary adjustment screw that you access through the trigger. The 2nd stage screw still has the Ticker so you can keep track of the trigger pull weight. Unfortunately, the 1st stage can’t fit a large CLKR but is still easy to set just not really tactile. One of the largest advantages we have found with the two-stage trigger is for competitions that have a minimum trigger pull. You can set the first stage heavy and have a minimal second stage still giving you the advantage of a light trigger-pull. Now that we have the two-stage we plan to swap most of our rifles over to it, and that is saying something considering all of our rifles currently live with Single Stage Diamonds in them. We have been using the Two-Stage Special and can honestly say it is one of the best triggers we have ever used. Get yours from your local retailer or from TriggerTech directly.